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Trope Related Question:

Make Private (For security bugs or stuff only for moderators)

DragonQuestZ Since: Jan, 2001
26th Jan, 2018 07:40:36 AM

If you have permission, you may simply need to note "All pictures used with permission" somewhere on the page, perhaps at the end of the intro paragraph (before getting to the descriptions and tropes for the characters).

As for links on images, you don't need to for character pages, unless their sources are varied, which is not the case here.

I'm on the internet. My arguments are invalid.
XFllo Since: Aug, 2012
26th Jan, 2018 08:59:44 AM

If you have the permission, it's ok to use it. I think you really needn't link every picture to his page.

It could be useful to add a commented-out note (double percent sign) for editors with an explanation that we (= this wiki) have the author's permission to use the pictures on the page, and that permission might be valid for that page only and should not be reproduced or uploaded elsewhere.

Edited by XFllo
Candi Since: Aug, 2012
27th Jan, 2018 09:00:53 PM

"Permission is valid" for that page/TV Tropes only.

I think a sentence or two in the description and a commented-out note are both good ideas.

Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving. -Terry Pratchett