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loracarol Since: Sep, 2009
11th Feb, 2011 06:23:23 AM

I believe at this point it would be more prudent to take this discussion the the forumns, rather than here. ^_~

Edit The troper below me pointed out things I didn't know~ Thank you! ^_______^

Edited by loracarol
Madrugada MOD Since: Jan, 2001
11th Feb, 2011 07:58:09 AM

He's mentioned it on the forums, and was hoping to get editors who don't forum-go. And he's not looking for discussion, simply more contributors. It's ok.

Edited by Madrugada ...if you don’t love you’re dead, and if you do, they’ll kill you for it.
TuefelHundenIV Since: Aug, 2009
19th Feb, 2011 07:35:11 PM

Hmm I think I have burned up my last local lead. I may have to go off range and find some knowledgeable folks.

Who watches the watchmen?