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Solipsi Since: May, 2012
30th Sep, 2012 05:58:54 AM

Goal in Life, there's It Amused Me but by your examples it seems to be subverted. (Acting out of pure sake having fun) There's the Motivation Index if I happened to miss anything.

I don't think we have that specific trope, a focus in a story where the levels of one's dedication are being measured. Although, it sounds slightly like The Power of Love. I'm at loss.

Creative output heya.
Bakazuki Since: Jun, 2009
2nd Oct, 2012 07:07:01 PM

Hm...well, I can see my part of my second example being a subversion to Goal in Life, seeing as he's twice used shogi as a method to avoid problems rather than just for the game.

How about we pedal it back a bit to the basic concept, though, since I don't think "love of the game/sport" has to necessarily be synonymous to dedication or motivation here, and me being that specific about it seems to have lead to a dead end for most people who saw this. So is there anything that emphasizes the importance of actual enjoyment of the game/sport a work revolves around, sometimes as an element toward success or sometimes not?

Miss_Desperado Since: Sep, 2016
31st Dec, 2017 10:37:36 PM

Technician vs. Performer

Edit: Sorry, I was Troping Under The Influence of sleep deprivation.

Edited by Miss_Desperado If not for this anchor I'd be dancing between the stars. At least I can try to write better vampire stories than Twilight.
Scorpion451 (Edited uphill both ways)
2nd Jan, 2018 02:17:35 PM

Spirited Competitor and To Be a Master also play into this.

Edited by Scorpion451