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The TVTropes Trope Finder is where you can come to ask questions like "Do we have this one?" and "What's the trope about...?" Trying to rediscover a long lost show or other medium but need a little help? Head to Media Finder and try your luck there. Want to propose a new trope? You should be over at You Know, That Thing Where.

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KD Since: May, 2009
28th May, 2023 06:04:42 PM

The Harry Potter example is the page quote on Tell Him I'm Not Speaking to Him.

PCD Since: May, 2021
28th May, 2023 06:24:53 PM

I don't think the Harry Potter example fits this trope, if the message comes to Harry without being changed by the chain of messengers.

"You want weapons?! We're in a Library! BOOKS! The best weapons in the universe!" — The Doctor
Kalli Since: May, 2012
29th May, 2023 06:38:00 PM

HP doesn't fit Gossip Evolution, you're right about that, but I think Gossip Evolution is pretty close to the trope I'm looking for.

Thanks very much!

Feathers or lead?
tropematter Since: Aug, 2020
30th May, 2023 01:07:36 AM

I've wondered about this one too.

There's another example in Adrian Mole. Pandora asks Claire Nielson to tell Nigel to tell Adrian that Pandora loves Adrian, who tells Nigel to tell Claire to tell Pandora that he returns her love.
