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Amonimus (Sergeant)
24th Apr, 2023 12:44:55 PM

As long as it follows How to Create a Work Page and related pages, it won't get deleted.

If you're unsure, you can make Sandbox.Inukai San and work on it until it looks ready to be at Anime/.

Edited by Amonimus TroperWall / WikiMagic Cleanup
homogenized Since: Oct, 2009
24th Apr, 2023 01:05:43 PM

Note that the Inukai-san page (which was also improperly capitalised) wasn't the first stub this user created: ONIMAI: I'm Now Your Sister! was also made as a stub, and only wasn't cut because lalaTKG did the work that GeorgePie should have done; in fact GeorgePie didn't touch that page even once after making it.

Edited by homogenized
GeorgePie Since: Apr, 2012
24th Apr, 2023 01:12:33 PM

I did try to build the Onimai page by adding some tropes to the YMMV page.

I just have difficulty building articles on this site on my own.

Like I want to be a contributor, but I have difficulty setting up new articles

Edited by GeorgePie
Amonimus (Sergeant)
homogenized Since: Oct, 2009
24th Apr, 2023 01:23:44 PM

Adding entries to a page builds the page the entries were added to, it does not build any other page. Like, adding something to YMMV.Seriously Now builds YMMV.Seriously Now, it does not build VideoGame.Seriously Now, or Trivia.Seriously Now, or any other page for a work called "Seriously Now".

Edited by homogenized
GeorgePie Since: Apr, 2012
24th Apr, 2023 01:26:56 PM

Ah I see what you mean

Arctimon Since: Nov, 2009
24th Apr, 2023 02:13:16 PM

There should be a minimum of three tropes with full context listed (if you're stuck, mentioning e.g. who The Hero and the Big Bad are will give you two tropes right off the bat), or the page is at risk of being sent to the Cut List as a stub.

This is the relevant part of the page Amon linked. You need to have three full context tropes in order for the page to not be considered a stub (and this is on the main page, not YMMV or other subpages). As long as you can get that, you should be fine.

By the way, making pages isn't the only way to contribute. Just making edits in general can do that. But it creates problems when pages are made that aren't up to snuff.

Remember, it's not a race. We'd rather you make the pages correctly than have to go back and either fix it or cut it.

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