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Amonimus (Sergeant)
27th May, 2022 07:31:21 AM

TLP draft for future reference.

Unilateral trope edits are not allowed, they go through Trope Launch Pad and only when there's a problem with the trope as-is.

I don't think the concept is close enough to Role Swap AU, it's more like Elseworld. I recommend trying to be more proactive and find examples to help your case. [down]

Edited by Amonimus TroperWall / WikiMagic Cleanup
27th May, 2022 08:34:59 AM

Role Swap AU does collect canon examples - they're located at the bottom of the page, after the fanfic ones.

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Mrph1 MOD (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
29th May, 2022 11:47:44 AM

Thank you - I've updated some of the intro text for Role Swap AU to emphasise that it's not just fanfic.

Given how long the fanfic example list is, though (with folders for each fanfic media category), I'm wondering if it's worth either swapping it with the canon folders (so that they appear first) or, ideally, spinning it off into a subpage?

Any thoughts?

underCoverSailsman Since: Jan, 2021
29th May, 2022 11:11:20 PM

That's a very... odd... type of Soft Split. You might want to run the page by the SoftSplit Cleanup thread, but my first instinct is to collapse all of the fanworks examples into a standard media folder, alphabetized in standard order, rather than by source.

Mrph1 MOD (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
30th May, 2022 04:31:46 AM

Shall do - was just looking at how they'd handled it on Your Approval Fills Me with Shame, which did move the Fanfic to its own page.

Edited by Mrph1
Adept (Holding A Herring)
30th May, 2022 04:44:25 AM

Actually the Fanworks vs. Canon split was done per TLP discussion [1] [2].

While not too rare in officially licensed works, this type of plot is more commonly done in fanfic, because obviously the original source material's creator don't have the time to retell the story over and over with various permutations of the switched roles or alignments.

Also I disagree with removing the source grouping from the Fan work section, especially since this is a common Fandom-Specific Plot. Rather than list "X/Y/Z, a fanfic of work T, switches the roles of A and B" multiple times, it'd be better to just make a more general statement that "Work Y has multiple fanfics that switches the roles of A and B" and the individual fic titles can have more space to describe how the swapped roles impact the story.

Edited by Adept