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drearyArchon Since: Apr, 2022
26th May, 2022 03:10:32 AM

Yep, that's number 2 alright. I thought the art style would be better because of my childhood memories, but the sparse description on the Tropes page matches the rest of my memories. Thanks, jormis29!

Everyone's just doing the best that they can.
drearyArchon Since: Apr, 2022
26th May, 2022 03:37:45 AM

Nope, too new. Both of the ones I asked about are from the same foggy period of childhood. Also, I don't remember if the train mechs even had pilots.

Everyone's just doing the best that they can.
drearyArchon Since: Apr, 2022
26th May, 2022 05:48:54 AM

Probably not, no.

Edit: When they aren't being trained, the mecha-things have these chibi forms where their faces are train-like and take up most of their body. The front window of their train-shaped body/face are their eyes.

Edited by drearyArchon Everyone's just doing the best that they can.