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YMMV / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S6 E03 "Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson"

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  • Crosses the Line Twice:
    • The corpse of the dead alien having smelly blood is mildly amusing, in a Toilet Humour kind of way. The scene then cutting to Fitz having severed his arm and using it to paint the door frame with his sulfurous blood is fucking hilarious, and arguably the funniest thing in the whole episode.
    • Enoch suggesting that if he and Fitz lose at gambling, they can earn the money instead by becoming male prostitutes is audacious enough as merely suggestion. Enoch getting offended when the suggestion is refused, and indignantly going on a spiel about the information he's gathered that would make him very good at it? Absolutely hysterical.
    • The things Enoch says about himself during his existential crisis are not funny. Joel Stoffer's delivery turning Enoch into a Cold Ham make them hilarious.
  • Les Yay: Daisy confesses to Jemma that she feels like they're two parts of a singular cosmic being... only for Jemma to no longer be there.
  • Signature Scene: Jemma and Daisy getting high on the alien shrooms was the highlight on the episode.
