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YMMV / Adapting to Night

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  • Arc Fatigue: Despite having less chapters published than the first arc (2015-2017), the second arc took longer to publish and is only completed in November 2021. The changing of artists didn't help.
  • Broken Base:
    • Luna being revealed to be the queen of the vampires. Some like it, as they feel that it’s appropriate for the princess of the night. Others find it contrived, because they believe that it should have prevented Nightmare Moon from happening, but it didn’t.
    • More or less the fact that mother fricken Fausticorn was mentioned to had been with another pony that lead to Luna being the Queen of Vampires split the base.
  • Fridge Brilliance:
    • This commenter sums up precisely why Vinyl is a DJ in present time when she was established to be an ordinary musician from her time.
      So that's why she prefers modern music over the classics. She's BORED. She's heard it all a million times before, often by the originals, and the newer generations fail to capture the purity of the original works. It's gotten old. But this NEW stuff, these new ways of making music thanks to more modern technology, this is truly something new, original, and exciting. These are methods of music making that didn't exist even 50 years ago. Before that, folks were largely limited to music making technology that had been around for hundreds of years. After 400 years of the same old hat, I'm sure such major advances in music would excite anyone musically inclined.
    • Why Luna being the queen of not just the vampires, but the supposedly mythological creatures of night didn't stop her from being Nightmare Moon? At first glance, it seems to make her an entitled brat that wanted more power from her older sister. Then you remember that she is effectively being pinned as the Monster Lord of every single monster that terrorized Equestria during the past as she is effectively their ruler and therefore responsible for them. If anything, being the queen of the night creatures just cemented her status as the Evil Overlord and made things worse for her than canon. Is it any wonder she wants to keep this part of her a secret from the public?
  • Moral Event Horizon: Sky shows how much of a Knight Templar he is when he kills Derpy’s lover and sticks his head on a pike.
  • Shocking Moments: By the gods where do we begin? How about...
    • Vinyl going into super power mode and stopping the cult leaders, while exposing her vampire powers to her friends.
    • Derpy being part of an elite group that monitors the mythical monsters of Equestria, while stopping the criminal ones.
    • Luna's revealed to be the Queen of the Vampires.
    • The revelation that Fausticorn is in canon in the story, something most comics don't take into account due to the debates on how Lauren Faust's pony sona could be included in the fandomverse.
    • Dinky is a werewolf.
  • The Woobie:
    • Vinyl, being an immortal must suck..
    • Dinky during the Meeting Uncle Sky arc, where she learns her own bloody uncle is the reason her father's dead. The fact it's seen her werewolf genes kicking in makes it more sad.
    • Derpy. Her parents died when she was just a child, and when it look like she will finally have her happy ending with On'nyun... Sky murdered him. It's get more sad in the present time, when Sky returns and kidnaps Dinky, and after rescuing her daughter she breaks down in tears after confirming to her that Sky indeed killed her father.
    • Octavia after it's revealed that her father got murdered by the vampire when she was just a filly.
