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YMMV / Watch Ross

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  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Petch saw his social media followers increase massively since the vlogs started. Comments will usually mention him or ask about him in some way.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: A vlog featuring a discussion about Superman coincidentally got uploaded the same day that Margo Kider - who played Lois in the Christopher Reeve movies - passed away.
  • Heartwarming in Hindsight: One Season 2 vlog has Ross mention that one of his friends could potentially be nominated for an Oscar. This friend turned out to be Rachel Shenton - who would indeed be nominated and win an Oscar for Best Short Film with The Silent Child. Rachel herself later appears on the vlog with the statue.
  • Heartwarming Moments: The episode showing Petch putting on his play How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse. Ross and Hop go to see it on its opening night, and Hop sincerely enjoys it (despite not being a theatre fan).
  • Ho Yay: Ross and Hop frequently joke about being a couple.
  • Moe Petch due to his youthful appearance and unflinching vulnerability when the occasion calls for it.
  • Most Wonderful Sound: Whenever an episode ends with Ross, Petch and Hop (and whoever their guests are) saying "Bye for now!"
  • Iron Woobie: Ross is open about having lost his father when he was twenty-four, his mother is blind and he himself has an eye condition that means he'll lose his sight when he's in his fifties. Not that you'd know it from his positive attitude.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • Two episodes deal with the aftermath of the Manchester Arena bombings - one at a fundraiser for the 'Once Upon A Smile' charity, where several people who lost friends and family speak about the event. And the third episode of Season 3 is the anniversary of the attack.
    • Petch discovers one of his best friends has passed away during Season 3.
  • The Woobie: Hop becomes one when he admits he hates his new job in the corporate world.
    "I feel like I've given myself a prison sentence."
