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YMMV / UberHaxorNova

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  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Nova showcases the popularity of the Irresponsible Dad by playing as that character for the majority of his Happy Wheels videos. Interestingly he also treats the bike that the Dad rides as its own character, Random Bike as he calls it is the source of much amusement as it randomly kills or incapacitates Nova on multiple occasions. Seems oddly amusing that one would ascribe so much character to an inanimate object.
    • For fans of the Creatures, Nova might be considered the Ensemble Dark Horse of the cast, back when he was still a member. Though this is subjective of course, the other Creatures have their fans too.
      • However, Nova has the most subscribers of them all, and therefore definitely the most popular.
  • Good Bad Bugs: Frequently occurs in Happy Wheels, when Nova plays levels that can be started with any character, but that aren't designed for certain characters, such as Santa.
    • Specific example of the former: As a rule, the recurring level "IT KEEPS HAPPENING" will defeat Nova several times over before he finally gives up on it. Using the pogo stick character, he reaches the exit in less than five seconds.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In The Game of Life Nova ends up marrying a red haired woman that somewhat resembles Anal Flute from his America's Next Top Model playthrough.
    • Nova goes batshit crazy after seeing Sp00n add blue dye to a wool block, which was deemed against the rules. Come the Cow Chop era, he gives Aleks a cheese-making kit. Nova waits for Aleks to turn his back on the pot of cheese, and, as tribute to Team Mystic, adds blue dye to the concoction. While neither of them picked up on the irony of the situation, the comment section definitely did.
  • Memetic Molester: Nova is often (jokingly) called a pedophile by fans whenever he gets excited when a little boy is present in the game he's playing. Examples include: Tri-Mountain Survival, Happy Wheels, and Skyrim. In The Game of Life he has an avatar he calls "Pedo Robin" who goes to little league games to spy on the little boys.
  • Memetic Mutation: Doing a Gay Tony jump.
  • The Scrappy: Aleks in BattleBlock Theater. Game progress is often stopped to a halt because he's either not paying attention, because he wants to be a dick, or because he's not making as much of an effort in helping Nova find gems and yarn.
  • Tear Jerker: Zeke's death.
