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YMMV / Twilight Pretty Cure

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  • Angst Dissonance:
    • Riko’s trouble with Rina becomes much harder to take seriously when one considers Rina is seven, five years younger than Riko, yet is considered to be just as upsetting to her as her same-age bullies and the mean adults of her past.
    • Marina’s complaining about her father and being attacked for things he had done becomes this in light of the fact that at school, it’s Marina who’s bullying others completely unprompted.
  • Fridge Horror:
    • In the first chapter, Riko sees a news report that children in "Russia, Romania, China, North Korea, Afghanistan, and other countries" are disappearing en masse. Try not to imagine how the friends and families of all these missing children must be feeling.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The main cure is named Riko and is purple. Maho Girls Pretty Cure! also has a purple Cure named Riko! The year after that, KiraKira★Pretty Cure à la Mode introduces a purple cure with cat ears and a tail. There Are No Coincidences, indeed.
