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YMMV / Trivia Trap

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  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • One episode asked for the sister of Barbie with Stacey as one of the incorrect choices (the correct answer was Skipper). In 1990, Barbie was given another sister who would be renamed from Kelly to Stacie.
    • A post-Retool episode asked for the name of the network that was launched by MTV for a more "adult audience", with the correct answer being VH1. One of the incorrect choices? "MTV-2", which (minus the hyphen) would become a reality nearly 15 years later (it was launched as M2 in 1996, then changed its name in 1999).
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: Most game show fans agree that, while it was far from one of Mark Goodson's best, the game was better before the midseason format change.
