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YMMV / Touhou Genso Wanderer

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  • Difficulty Spike: After a relatively short and simple tutorial dungeon, the next dungeon is 40F dungeon that takes at least 2 hours to complete, Rank 2 enemies in the latter half of the dungeon, and a boss with 3 phases that is as strong as a Final Boss in most RPGs.
  • Goddamned Bats: Two types of enemies in particular can make a very nasty combination: Kogasa copies and Tenshi copies. On their own, they're pretty frustrating: Kogasa copies inflict the Frightened Status onto other enemies, making them use their special abilities constantly, and Tenshis have a chance to unleash an earthquake when you're in range- hitting the entire floor at max level. Combine the two, however, and Tenshi copies will unleash their floor-hitting earthquakes every turn, putting you on a strict time limit to get to another floor or kill the Tenshi copies. Unless you're playing as Tojiko, that is, who, as she's always floating, is immune to Tenshi quakes. On their own, they're not likely to kill you (but more likely to soften you up for something else), but together they're probably the most dangerous regular enemy types in the game.
    • Enemies with ranged attacks, like Tojiko, can spike in power and health dramatically if they kill another enemy and level up. Depending on where you are in a dungeon and how good your equipment is, they can easily turn from an enemy that relies on Cherry Tapping to whittle you down to a lethal sniper that’s shaving off entire chunks of your HP in a single shot.
  • Sequel Displacement: This is actually the third game in the Fushigi no Gensokyo franchise, but it's the first one to have an official English translation, let alone a major release.
  • That One Boss: Bosses in this game are horrendously difficult compared to the stages preceding them.
    • Buyking Rinnosuke. For the very first of the game, he's very difficult to beat and can be compared to a Final Boss to JRPG. He has 3 phases. The 1st phases involves him summoning a group of robots and buff their attack, defense, and speed. These robots can kill you really fast if they surround you. In his 2nd phase, he'll join the fight which adds another form of difficulty. In his 3rd phase, he goes One-Winged Angel. He can summon mooks to harass you while he harass you with many full screen attacks with nasty damage and may inflict nasty status effect. Getting to melee range is already difficult as you start at the far end of the arena, damaging him is even harder.
    • The Great Moriya Angel, the final storyline boss, is just absurdly difficult. She has many very damaging long range attacks which makes getting close to her very difficult. Her strongest attack, Divine Sword of Pleasure After Hardship, increases in power every time she uses it. By its 4th use, it's basically strong enough for instantly killing you and that attack is a full screen attack (though it fails against Floating targets). And what's even worse is that she resists multi-hit attacks which is staple for endgame strategies. And even worse than that is that if she detects that you've got buffs like Double Speed, Floating or Invincible, she will, as soon as possible, use Miracle "Night with Overly Bright Guest Stars", which dispels all your buffs. AND on top of that, after every few times you hit her, she'll use Heaven and Earth God Battle Stance to avoid your next attack and strike back with a Divine Counter Spark, which blows you away if it does damage to you, forcing you to approach again.
