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YMMV / The Wild Wild West S 2 E 21 The Night Of The Brain

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  • Complete Monster: Braine, despite his cheerful good humor and pretense of good intentions, is a megalomaniac with a god complex. Unhappy with how "discorded" the world is, Braine plans to kill the five major heads of state and replace them with his disguised followers, then plunge the entire world into chaos—having the Spanish loot Africa, the American's attack South America, the Russians loot India, etc.—until the entire world is at war, so that Braine can take over whatever survives. Fearing the existence of a security measure that will ruin his plan, Braine implements an unnecessary cruel plot to lure James West to him, sending them newspapers predicting their friends' deaths, then implementing the predictions, blowing up beloved entertainer Almeric and arranging for Jim's former commander to fatally shoot himself; in both cases ensuring Jim could only watch helplessly. No longer needing the printer, Braine has him stabbed to death. Finally capturing Jim, Braine executes a loyal follower for missing a button from his uniform, then engages in another pointless test involving the life of his loyal assistant Voulee. In the end, Braine decides to simply hurt Jim until he tells him what he wants to know.
