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YMMV / The Untouchables

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  • Awesome Music: Nelson Riddle's slow, menacing Instrumental Theme Tune fits the series' dark atmosphere perfectly.
  • Complete Monster: Mig Torrance from "The White Slavers", Al Capone's chief white slaver, is a ruthless pimp who values power and control. Getting women addicted to drugs and forcing them into prostitution to feed their addiction, Mig often punishes his stock by either throwing acid at their face, or having them scarred. When the Untouchables attempt to intercept his men smuggling a dozen women from Tijuana, Mig orders the women to be killed to cover the evidence. When his brother Ernie wants out of his operation, Mig, after threatening to kill him, promises to let him go should he bring him Eliot Ness for him to kill, hoping to surpass Capone and become mayor of Chicago.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • Austrian-born actor John Banner appeared on the TV show as a Bavarian brewmeister, who is later confronted by a fellow brewmeister - whose brewery was rushed by the police - to see what he knows about any of it. He knows nussink! NUSSINK!
    • The title character in the episode "The Rusty Heller Story" is played by Elizabeth Montgomery, best known as Samantha in Bewitched. While the idea of seeing her play Rusty Heller, who is a prostitute, already makes for quite a clash in comparison with Samantha, it gets downright hysterical when one of her clients is played by David White, who played Larry Tate, the boss of Samantha's husband Darrin on Bewitched!
