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YMMV / The Tuxedo

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  • Audience-Alienating Premise: The idea of a Jackie Chan film where the majority of the stunts are wirework and CGI runs counter to the chief appeal of Chan's films; the cheesy acting and plots aside, that's a real martial artist putting himself in danger for these amazing stunts. That Chan was forced to rely more on this approach in his later work as age and injuries took their toll on his physical endurance doesn't help.
  • Complete Monster: Dietrich Banning, CEO of Banning Corporation Industries, is responsible for the attempted murder of millionaire super spy, Clark Devlin. Introduced interviewing an employee with a haircut that he dislikes and also has low expectations of Banning's company, Banning has him drink water contaminated with a bacterium that causes people to die via dehydration and then watches in delight as it causes him to shrivel up and turn to dust. Greed incarnate, Banning plans on using genetically modified water strider insects containing said bacterium and spread the bugs across reservoirs all over the USA. Said bacterium is able to spread from person to person, and with it, Banning plans on poisoning the entire world's drinking water supply and forcing the world into drinking only from his company's bottled water, lest they wish to die.
  • Genius Bonus: The part where Jimmy hangs a lampshade on Interchangeable Asian Cultures. Karate comes from Okinawa, not China, which folds quite nicely into the joke.
  • Nightmare Fuel: As outlandish and nonsensical the whole movie is, the villain's plot is still horrifying were it to ever become a reality. The first victim of his rapid dehydration bacteria is shown shriveling up as his body dries out in seconds. We're treated to a close up of his eye going blood shot, then drying completely, and when Banning grabs the now-dead guy's hand, the body is so impossibly dry that it breaks off effortlessly like a burnt pastry.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Colin Mochrie as the art museum owner. Seeing him not as over-the-top, but particularly douchey is a weird change from what he's normally known for, being the zany nice guy on Whose Line.
  • Squick: The opening scene of the movie, in which a deer urinates on a river, and the water from that river goes through underground pipes and right into the water plant run by the bad guys.
