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YMMV / The Simpsons S 9 E 24 Lost Our Lisa

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  • Adorkable: Lisa's excitement at being able to ride the bus is adorable to watch.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • The "Don't make me tap the sign" scene has become a popular meme template on places like Twitter by people trying to make a point.
    • Lenny and Carl's completely deadpan reaction to Homer claiming Lisa is so smart she caused a computer to explode, which Carl replies with "That never, uh, happened, did it, Homer?" This is used in response to a claim so outlandish that it must be fake.
  • Values Dissonance:
    • The calling out of Homer for sending Lisa off to the museum on a bus alone can come across as a bit over-the-top for viewers in the UK, where it is perfectly normal for children Lisa's age to take the regular bus (not a school bus) or even public trains to school.
    • Public transport in Australia does not allow children under the age of 13 to ride alone, and will usually result in the police being contactednote . Bus drivers are also required to help people who are lost, and are only allowed to abandon disruptive passengers (but this is sadly not enforced).
