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YMMV / The Machine Girl

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  • Les Yay: Ami and Miki, as well as Ami and her friend Yoshie early in the film.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The majority of the movie, though Ami's kill of the Policeman's wife stands out, particularly for what leads up to it.
  • So Bad, It's Good: Gatling Gun Arm attached to a schoolgirl, Ninjas that look like Football players, and 1970s violence despite being a 2008 movie, and a Drill Bra. What makes this so hilarious, is its genre is listed Action/Adventure. A lot of schlocky movies are hard to watch because of Padding. This film replaces padding with High-Pressure Blood.
  • Special Effects Failure:
    • The foam prop machine gun arm used in stunt shots is very obvious as it bends and wobbles from the fast action.
    • Some kills are done on painfully (pun intended) obvious dummies. Quite possibly deliberate, in keeping with the B-Movie status.
    • At the beginning of the movie, when Ami leaps at a young delinquant with her scythe in hand, her left arm can clearly be seen even though she had already lost it by that point.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: When Ami is fighting the Jr. High Ninja Squad, she literally blasts all the flesh off one's head, leaving only a bloody skull with the eyes still in the sockets.
