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YMMV / The Key

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  • Awesome Music: The background score being played by an orchestra makes it feel like you're watching the whole thing in a theater.
  • Faux Symbolism: The fact that this was made during the period when Russia was a part of Soviet Union, some people can't help but point out the underlying propaganda in it, particularly the red ball of yarn, and the grandfather's extreme disapproval of how it's to determine his grandson's future, and enforces the meaning of hard work.
  • Quirky Work: From the summary of the film, the fairies alone might be the first clue how oddly fantastical the movie will get. But one might've never expected the robots, the questionably idyllic lands and the kingdom guarded by a four-headed dragon.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: The scientist's little robot is ambiguously shaped, but is apparently female, given that her name is Elektra. Then again, she's a robot.
