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YMMV / The God of Crawling Eyes

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  • Complete Monster: Miss Blackmore is the leader of a cult of students and faculty members. Blackmore and her cult sacrifice people to the God of Crawling Eyes in an attempt to increase his power so that he may one day cross over to Earth and bring about the apocalypse. A year before the events of the game, Blackmore and her cult murdered a student named Travis after he tried to leave the cult. In the game, Blackmore murders the school principal and four of her six students before trying to use one of the last two for her next sacrifice.
  • Funny Moments: Max's patriotism.
    Max: (Placing the flag on the ventilation pipe) You served your country well, old glory.
    • When you unlock the gas mask, you can go through the hole in the Principal's office without dying. Inside you'll find the monsters from the game. The shadow in the mirror telling you that the only reason he kills you it's because it's his job. The worm-thing saying his agent is getting him a bigger role soon. The monster in the office lamenting that the author never used his graphics in the main game and The God of Crawling Eyes itself, who lets out the same terrifying roar he lets in the endings... but he's just cranky because he can't see the TV from where he is.
    • When you unlock the trophy room and talk to Chase about the trophy you get in his good ending a TV with one of the god's eyes.
  • Heartwarming Moments: If Chase was lying in his good ending, him giving up the cult, opting to save his best (possibly only) friend instead certainly qualifies.
  • Narm: One of the reveals in Lily's Good Ending can come off as this.
    Lily: I've been taking Judo since I was five, bitch!
  • Paranoia Fuel: The game likes to play off this a lot. WE SEE YOU
