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YMMV / The Expendables 2

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  • Awesome Music: Well, it uses the theme from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly whenever Booker appears.
  • Base-Breaking Character: There is a split on opinions on Billy the Kid. One half of the fanbase are willing to say that he was well-acted and functioned well within the team and for the most part is respected for not being as obnoxious and cliche as he could have been and for facing death like a hero. The other half... well... just see Questionable Casting below.
  • Complete Monster: Jean Vilain is the leader of the Sangs, a mercenary group notorious for causing havoc within Albania and its surrounding regions. Discovering a mine that contains six tonnes of pure, weapons-grade plutonium, which he plans to sell, Vilain then raids surrounding villages for their men to use as workers. Any worker who was too old or weak was summarily executed as a warning to the other slaves. Vilain ambushes The Expendables and bribes Billy's life for the mine map, killing him anyway after they give it to him. Wanting to speed up the process, Vilain has his thugs raid the surrounding villages again, this time with the intent of using female and child slaves. When Vilain obtains the plutonium, he seals the mine, trapping all of the slaves to tie up loose ends.
  • Even Better Sequel: Just for the sake of adding more names, more action and LOTS more in-jokes, 2 was almost uniformly better received than the first one.
  • Fight Scene Failure: The final fight between Barney and Vilain had two of these in a row, when Vilain performs Van-Damme's iconic split-kick and sends Barney to the floor ("Coming back up!"... "Going back down!"). It's rather obvious in both instances they simply have Stallone lie on his back while violently shaking the camera.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: The movie outgrossed both The Dark Knight Rises and The Amazing Spider-Man in China.
  • I Knew It!: It's probably easier to guess the viewers who didn't guess that Billy would be the obvious Red Shirt of the team.
  • Memetic Mutation: "Track 'em, find 'em and kill 'em!"
  • Moral Event Horizon: Vilain's murder of Billy, the youngest and newest member of the team, is what drives the team into a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against Vilain and the Sangs.
  • Overshadowed by Controversy: In Bulgaria, the movie became infamous because part of the filming was done in a cave that was part of a nature reserve, which is illegal. The activities caused significant environmental damage, including the disturbance of a colony of an endangered species of bats (when bats are disturbed during hibernation, they can simply fall off the cave ceiling and die). Blame was placed on filmmakers as well as on their Bulgarian partners who knew full well they were in violation but accepted the deal anyway. It didn't help that several other environmental issues were caused by illicit activities of Western businesses in the same year, causing the movie to spark even more outrage than it otherwise would have.
  • The Problem with Licensed Games: The console game. The Tower Defense webgame, not so much.
  • Questionable Casting: While the fandom seems to be rather accepting of a female presence on the team, the more vocal reaction to Liam Hemsworth being cast is vehement to say the least. Reasons vary; from him being too young, to not having an action movie to his credit, note  to his relationship with Miley Cyrus. (Though people stopped complaining once that found out that his character dies not even 20 minutes into the film)
  • Tainted by the Preview: There was some grumbling at the news that The Expendables 2 would cut most hard profanity from the script to accommodate Chuck Norris at his request. Once the movie came out, though, this was subverted; pretty much everyone agreed that swapping out a few F-Bombs for an appearance from the Memetic Badass himself was a good trade.
