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YMMV / The Evil of Frankenstein

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  • Funny Moments: There is just something so hilarious about the scene where Frankenstein storms into the burgomeister's home to confront and argue with the man. Victor is dressed in his usual gentleman's regalia while the dumbfounded and affronted burgomeister stammeringly tries to defend himself while in his nightgown. Then the police chief comes in to arrest Frankenstein for breaking the terms of his exile, and a small altercation follows between Frankenstein and the police the chief brought with him. While all this is going on, the burgomeister's wife watches it all from her bed, finding Frankenstein and his behaviour strangely attractive. The fight concludes with Frankenstein throwing the burgomeister, the chief and the police all out of the room and bars the door. He proceeds to make his escape, stripping the sheets off the bed and preparing a ladder out of them. As he is about to go down, he finally notices the attention he has gained, says "Good night" to the burgomeister's wife, and summarily departs, sliding out of view.
  • Special Effects Failure: Frankenstein's otherwise awesome escape from a prison cell and his mad dash using a horse and cart back to the chateau to stop the monster from destroying itself and everyone is marred slightly by the obvious bluescreen effect for the close-ups.
