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YMMV / The Dreamstone S 03 E 10 A Day Out

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  • Character Rerailment: The Noops' Badass Decay has been fully undone by this episode.
    • To a lesser extent, Zordrak, who after spending the last two seasons as a full time Orcus on His Throne, is revealed to have a diabolical plan underway all along. This has the added bonus of undoing the heroes' petty streak they gained after the pilot, since the Urpneys stealing the Dreamstone now spells much more danger for them.
  • Growing the Beard: This episode permanently establishes proper mortal stakes for the heroes and reverts the Noops to competent characters, abolishing their Designated Hero status from before.
  • Heroes' Frontier Step: The Noops were always blatantly meant to be the heroes, but their Silly Reason for War and having the Urpneys as their opponents sometimes made them very hard to side with (in worst cases such as "Blob's Incredible Plan" and "The Dream Beam Invasion" they verged into outright petty Miles Gloriosus territory). This episode not only establishes legitimate mortal stakes for the Noops but has them deal with the threat with genuine valour and skill.
