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YMMV / The Butcher Bird

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Spoilers are unmarked.

  • Catharsis Factor: Kid's defeat. Seeing him go down after seeing just how much suffering he's inflicted is immensely satisfying.
  • Growing the Beard: The fic starts off largely slow and has some missteps with early arcs, but begins to come into its own with the Devil's Deeds Saga. The author has expressed a desire to rewrite the early arcs once the One Piece Time Skip is reached.
  • Ho Yay: Six and Kaneki, mostly on the part of Six. Later officially becomes a Relationship Upgrade.
  • Stoic Woobie: Six. The man has been through completely hellish experiences prior to joining the Nightmares, but he acts so emotionless you wouldn't know it to look at him.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Zechariah, a Badass Preacher type, only gets one scene to his name: a desperate Hold the Line piece with him and the rest of his fellow Augments as Rear Admiral Gripper slowly batters down their barricade. He spends the bulk of it singing a Song of Courage and noting that he's at least left one of his flock behind to carry on his faith. It's later revealed he managed to actually hurt Gripper, who eats officers from the crew for breakfast after the fight.
