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YMMV / The Batman (Serial)

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  • Values Dissonance: Due to the films being made around World War II, when anti-Japanese sentiment was at an all-time high, the serials have quite a bit of an anti-Japanese bent to them, with the main villain, Dr. Daka, being a villainous Yellow Peril stereotype played by a white actor in yellowface. Needless to say, even those who otherwise enjoy the serials for what they are can agree they have not aged well in this aspect.
    • The narrator gratuitously throws in a comment claiming the Japanese-American internment was justified.
      Narrator: This was part of a foreign land, transplanted bodily to America, and known as Little Tokyo. Since a wise government rounded up the shifty-eyed Japs, it's become virtually a ghost street.
    • Robin also tells Daka "You're as yellow as your skin!"
