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YMMV / Tevinter Nights

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  • Complete Monster: "The Wigmaker Job": Magister Ambrose Forfex, the Wigmaker, is a high-ranking member of the Venatori with a passion for making enchanted wigs. For this, Ambrose keeps "row after row" of his slaves chained to the ceiling and left in painful conditions such as having their mouth sewn shut and force-feeding them red lyrium, reducing them to almost lifeless husks, all so he can use their hair for his wigs. When confronted about this, Ambrose justifies himself by claiming morality is only a matter of perspective.
  • Designated Hero: In “The Wigmaker Job," the main character, an Antivan Crow named Lucanis Dellamorte, decides to punish his target, the eponymous Wigmaker, for feeding red lyrium to his slaves by destroying the artifact he was using to keep the Veil intact within his mansion. This results in demons of vengeance possessing the slaves and attacking the Wigmaker’s party guests, which results in over thirty deaths. Lucanis justifies his actions in-story by dismissing the party guests as allies or members of the Venatori, but there are two problems with this reasoning: first, becoming an abomination is generally depicted as a Fate Worse than Death within the franchise, so the slaves who were possessed spent their last moments as horrors; and second, there was no way for Lucanis could know the demons would disappear after everyone at the party was dead - it’s equally likely that they would have gone on to wreak havoc in the city. And while Lucanis also demonstrates compassion for an elven slave being kept in the Wigmaker's mansion, he shows no mercy to the eight guards he had to kill in order to get at his target.
  • Nightmare Retardant: While "The Horror of Hormak" is generally liked by most fans, some felt that the reveal of the "horror" (a pool of Grey Goo that combines monsters together) to be underwhelming. The resulting combinations are, in many cases, less effective than if the pool just spat out regular versions of those monsters.
  • The Scrappy: It's unclear whether or not this is intentional on the part of the author, but many fans agree that the necromancer Sidony from "Murder by Death Mages" is extremely unlikeable. In general, the necromancer is depicted as extremely angry, unpleasant and resentful, not to mention gullible and easily-manipulated; some have questioned the logic of any Inquisitor that would send her on a mission that involves interacting with other people, regardless of her personal connections.
