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  • Harsher in Hindsight: "Whatever You Like", given that it became a massive hit just as the world entered a historic economic collapse, making it one of the last gasps of the "Bling" culture of the 2000s before it died hard amid the Great Recession. This all wasn't lost on "Weird Al" Yankovic, who made it the central theme of his same-titled parody of "Whatever You Like" which was released in late 2008.
  • Once Original, Now Common: He was the one who made the southern states the place for hip-hop. Many who listened to him now have no idea what the big deal was about him.
  • Signature Song: "Whatever You Like". "Live Your Life" would've been a close contender, if not his undisputed signature, had it not been more associated with Rihanna.
  • Tough Act to Follow: Since his 2008-9 peak with Paper Trail, he has yet to come anywhere near the success he had before (not helped by his run-ins with the law). He still remains successful and draws in large crowds everywhere, but it's a far cry from his Glory Days. Fortunately, he's managed to avoid complete Condemned by History status, unlike his protege Iggy Azalea.
