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YMMV / Suzy Puppy

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  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The juxtaposition of the cheerful music with such horrible sights as a puppy having a deadly virus.
    • About halfway through, we see the little girl looking very scared as the screen goes black and the narrator reveals that Suzy's mother spent her life "confined in darkness".
    • At the end, we see the now-dead Suzy being buried, and the music becomes slow and distorted.
  • Squick: Suzy's infected eye, not to mention her loudly defecating on the floor, which is shown completely uncensored.
  • Tear Jerker: The sight of a poor, innocent puppy being very sick and dying.
  • The Woobie:
    • Suzy herself. She was taken away from her mother at only six weeks oldnote  and is very sick with various illnesses. At the end of her commercial, she dies from her sickness.
    • Suzy's mother, who spent her life in a dark cage and was slaughtered after being forced to deliver twenty litters of puppies.
    • The little girl. All she wanted was a puppy...
