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YMMV / Supergirl (2015) S4E14 "Stand and Deliver"

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  • Catharsis Factor: Watching Lockwood be taken down a peg, screaming ineffectually at a crowd he can't control, as well as the climactic moment of humans and aliens alike helping each other after the riot, is incredibly satisfying, especially after a season's worth of episodes where bigotry always seems to win the day.
  • Like You Would Really Do It: Manchester randomly committing suicide halfway through an episode never had a chance of being taken seriously, especially since the trailer has scenes of Manchester that take place after him doing it, making the ruse obvious. His next appearance isn’t even played as any kind of reveal.
  • Narm: The climax, featuring a completely sincere use of the song "Mad World," seems to have little idea of how silly it is.
  • Take That, Scrappy!: Some fans might feel this way about James being shot for reasons like his Badass Decay and Out of Focus Guardian crusade over the last two seasons.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Brainy blithely cracking a joke about the Morae's Cluster F-Bomb to Haley, after another one killed itself rather than be her prisoner again, is incredibly callous.
