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YMMV / Star Trek: Voyager S3 E10: "The Q and the Grey"

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  • Badass Decay: John de Lancie wasn't happy how his character had changed from Q verbally-dueling Picard and helping humanity understand fundamental questions about itself, to Q chasing skirts while the scrawny humans help the Q understand fundamental questions about itself. "Q2" only cemented the decline.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • So much for the "enlightened messiah" Q hopes to be born from their efforts — see Season 7's "Q2".
    • This episode is the cause of a bit of Hilarious in Hindsight for DC's Star Trek: issue 45 of the second volume, published three years earlier, finds Trelane seeking Kirk for romantic advice, while pursued by a possessive woman of his own species. While the earlier story is much more Played for Laughs, it's still quite amusingly similar. Especially since fanon and Expanded Universe literature make Trelane's species and the Q one and the same.
