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YMMV / Spellbinder

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  • Broken Base: It's either first or second series, no middle ground. Fans either hate Kathy or Alex and Katrina.
  • Even Better Sequel: Spellbinder: Land of the Dragon Lord was able to refine the basic idea from the first series, had much better pacing, provided stronger characters and was much more open-minded with its writing (a girl as the protagonist in an action-adventure series aimed mostly for boys just opens the list). It also avoided being as formulaic and anvilicious as the first series, so it aged better.
  • Fan Fic Fuel: Given the premise of the show and ending of the second series (The Land of the Dragon Lord establishing two "routes" to other dimensions), you would expect an explosion of fan-fiction. None of this happen. On the other hand, the show predates internet, so there weren't many chances to publicise any fan-fiction.
  • Fanon: Based on the fact that there is Alt!Australia in Series 2, fans mostly agree that Paul's world and Kathy's world aren't the same universe and neither is "ours", too.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: The abandoned hospital set was a real, ruined palace. Back in the 90s, there were (and sadly still are) numerous places like this in Poland, neglected for decades under communist rule (as they were seen as relics of the decadent, feudal past) and with nobody to look after them post-1989.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Alex at one point identifies the author of The Iliad and The Odyssey as Homer Simpson. Several years later, Homer Simpson himself would make the same error.
  • Periphery Demographic: Infinite Worlds players, for pretty obvious reasons. Some of them ended up playing that particular line of GURPS due to watching the series.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: For a brief moment, the second series ends up in the Spellbinders' world. This is done solely to get Ashka and a power suit from there and it's never mentioned or used for anything else after she, Kathy and Mek escape that world.
  • Unintentional Period Piece: To The '90s. Just recall the girls' shopping scene in the first series.
