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YMMV / Soon I Shall Be Indestructible

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  • Base-Breaking Character: Uraraka. Some love her for taking Mineta's perversion to a point where it's basically Refuge in Audacity. Others hate her for essentially just being the same as Mineta in canon or even worse.
  • Epileptic Trees: Who did Toga originally replace? By chapter 14, she was theorized to have replaced Jiro, Kirishima, Uraraka, Hagakure, Ojiro, Tsuyu, Kaminari, Momo and Shinsou. It doesn't help that she has shapeshifted into different people throughout the story and that her quirk allows her to copy a person's quirk regardless of type. She's eventually revealed to be Hagakure.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: In and out of universe, every time we see Hagakure, it's actually Toga.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Along with the author's other story Blood Sex Sugar Magic, this story's Toga can use the Quirks of the people she's copied... and then came chapter 226 of the Manga, where canon Toga shows she can do it by using Ochako's Quirk on Miss Curious and her soldiers.
  • Narm: The narration tries a little too hard to make Toga some sort on unholy, Humanoid Abomination, especially when you remember that, craziness aside, she is a teenager with knives. Sure, when Izuku and Mei were tied up with her, it was scary, but she really shouldn't cause Endeavor of all people to shake with fear.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Mustard. The fic goes out of his way to make you feel sorry for him, especially when it reveals he used to be a bullied kid abused by Shindo with the teachers unwillingly or unable to help him. Except his reaction was to hire a serial killer, bring him at his school and tell him to kill his bully. Worse, said killer was the Sludge Villain, who planned to kill Shindo by taking over his body and Quirk, with Mustard not caring what a villain could do with Shindo's powerful Quirk. Yet we are supposed to feel bad when he is arrested for, again, hiring a killer .
