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YMMV / Sodom

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  • Audience-Alienating Era: The mid-90s era (Get What You Deserve, Masquerade in Blood and 'Til Death Do Us Unite, but Blood the most) is often considered a step down to what was before, with a particularly common criticism being the band became too punk and Motörhead for their own good. Code Red and especially M-16 are a big step up in comparison. However, the remake album The Final Sign of Evil puts the band right back in this.
    • On the other side of the coin, some praise that Sodom retained much of their aggression and speed during the 90s unlike most thrash metal bands who either slowed down or toned their music down.
  • Awesome Music: Persecution Mania, Agent Orange, and M-16. In the Sign of Evil from their Black Metal days.
  • Covered Up: Sodom's cover version of "Don't Walk Away" is more popular than the Tank original. It certainly helps that it was on Agent Orange as that album is Sodom's most commercially successful release, notably being a gold-selling album in the band's native Germanynote .
  • Fan Nickname: "Onkel Tom"note , lifted from Angelripper's side project.
  • Funny Moments: Their cover of "Surfin' Bird" by the Trashmen is exactly as ridiculous as you'd expect a Death Metal cover of a novelty Surf Rock song to be, and it's fucking hilarious. Tom sounds like he's trying to his hardest to avoid Corpsing when he does the "bababababaBABABABABABABA".
  • Growing the Beard: The Expurse of Sodomy EP set the point where Sodom transitioned from Venom-influenced Black Metal to Thrash Metal. Later happened again with Code Red and especially M-16, generally seen as having gotten them out of their mid-late 90s slump.
  • Memetic Mutation: Wodosexplanation
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: A lot of fans reacted this way to the remake album The Final Sign of Evil.
