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YMMV / Silver Surfer: The Animated Series

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  • Awesome Music: The 1990s opening sequence is awesome enough to contain its own Ominous Latin Chanting. Hear it for yourself here, if you can tune out all the swooshing-in-space sounds that are layered on top of it.
  • Cant Unhear It: Karl Pruner as Beta Ray Bill. The Irish accent just works.
  • Complete Monster:
    • "The Planet of Dr. Moreau": The Kree Overseers are part of a combined intelligence, where their brains were placed into a computer and they were given dominion of a planet named Morovus. The Master of Zenn-La was put into the combined intelligence and forced by the Overseers to participate in their evil acts. The Overseers rule over a group of Trolls, beings the Kree created to be their slaves, using slave collars to control them and inflicting pain on them if they disobey. When the Silver Surfer confronts the Overseers for their treatment of the Trolls, the Overseers dismiss the Surfer's arguments, comparing the Trolls to objects. The Overseers believe the Surfer polluted the minds of the Trolls with the hopes of freedom and the Overseers send an energy beam to destroy the Trolls on Morovus.
    • "Second Foundation": Prime Minister Kiar and Admiral Zedrao are the military leaders of the Skrull Empire. Due to their failure to defeat the Kree Empire, the Skrull Hive Queen was going to remove them from power, so they kill the Queen instead, dooming the Skrull race to eventual extinction. They pretend the Queen is still alive and take total power for themselves. When Kiar and Zedrao discover there is a royal egg containing a new Queen on the planet Skrullos, they plan to raise the queen themselves and have the queen establish a ruling line where their direct decedents will control the Empire through the puppet Hive Queen. When Kiar and Zedrao capture Nova, the current Herald of Galactus, they plan to force her to summon Galactus to the worlds of the Kree, so that they can win the war by destroying the Kree race.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • Thanks to being Cut Short, the series ends on a Downer Ending cliffhanger in which Thanos wins and destroys everything. Decades later, Avengers: Infinity War had a nearly identical cliffhanger ending... only in that film’s case, it got a follow-up.
    • Thanos' motivations are a practical composite between his classic version and the MCU incarnation - thinking that an Overpopulation Crisis is at hand and plans to correct the balance to give Mistress Death a plentiful amount of souls.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Ego the Living Planet is a powerful being enslaved by the Mad Titan Thanos. Thanos lures the Silver Surfer to Ego and has Ego try to defeat the Surfer. Thanos arrives and tries to read the Surfer's mind, to learn how to control Galactus. While Thanos is driven off, Ego still learns much about the Surfer from Thanos' attempt. Later on, Ego is attacked by Fracitites, crystals that destroy planets, and sends out a plea for help. The Surfer answers this plea and after being saved, Ego transforms himself into Zenn-La, the Surfer's lost home planet, to convince the Surfer to remain and be his protector. Ego is able to fool Surfer for a time, changing the illusion to fit the Surfer's whims. Surfer eventually sees through Ego's illusion and confronts him, with Ego vaporizing the recreations of the Surfer's friends and loved ones. Though Surfer almost kills Ego by taking his energy, Ego guilt trips the Surfer into restoring it.
  • Nightmare Fuel: "Learning Curve" sees our characters travel to the Universal Library, which has been overrun by horrific viral glob monsters. The kicker? We get to see most of the characters undergo the extremely grotesque process of becoming viral blobs themselves, including the Surfer, and by the end of the episode most of them remain that way, being absorbed into a Hivemind, giving this episode something of a Downer Ending.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Lady Chaos gets a few minutes of screen time in the unproduced script for "The End of Eternity: Part Two" and holy crap.
  • Tear Jerker: Adam Warlock was created as a genetic weapon by the planet Kara-Desh to protect them from the Kree Empire. Adam finds out that he succesfully defeated the Kree before, but his own people locked him in a temporal anomaly because they feared him before going to war with each other over the issue with armies of newer super soldiers and destroying Kara-Desh. Surfer tells Adam he needn't give up hope and that he can still find purpose, but Adam instead chooses to return to the anomaly, having his memory reset and fighting the Kree forever in defense of his world. While the Surfer could try to pull him out again, he decides to respect Adam's choice.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: Many major characters from the comics are given single appearances before being effectively killed off or sidelined.
