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YMMV / Shadow Of The Valley

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  • Cry for the Devil: Light's end is just so pitiful.
  • Everyone is Jesus in Purgatory: The narrative is heavy on symbolism or Faux Symbolism since Light thinks he is the world's Saviour.
  • Inferred Holocaust: The ambiguous ending, any way you look at it...
  • Jerkass Woobie: Light. He's so very screwed up but he has no one to blame but himself.
  • Tearjerker: Light's end- "Ryuk, give me my eyes. I want my eyes, Ryuk. If you cannot give me wings, then give me my goddamn eyes."
  • The Woobie: Hikari- Light and Misa's daughter, raised by Light to follow his ideals. That kid had no chance at being well-adjusted and mentally stable.

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