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YMMV / Scion

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  • Alternate Character Interpretation: In the Ragnarok splatbook, the Ragnarok-based adventure line (which also presumes that the Aesir are the only real pantheon) gives this to Loki. In the corebook adventure line, Loki is as evil as the Edda says. He tries to consume Surtr's heart so he can become the dominant Avatar of Muspelheim, then consume the Greater Titan of Fire from the inside out. In the Ragnarok adventure line, not so much. Indeed, his most infamous act, taking on the identity of Thokk to ensure Baldur stays dead, isn't done by him at all. It's Nana, Baldur's dead wife, who refuses to allow her husband to return to life while she must stay a ghost. However, while his presentation is different, both agree on his primary motivation which is to break free of Fate and Screw Destiny. He succeeds in the core adventure of God, but fails in Ragnarok.
  • Complete Monster: Seth Farrow is the second-in-command of a Scion band called the Shinsengumi. A son of the Egyptian god Set, Seth is a sadistic man who joined the band because its leader, Kane Taoka, promised he could live the high life and have many chances to indulge his sadism. He's one of the only band members who knows Kane is actually taking orders from the Titan Mikaboshi and is more than willing to kill the other band members if they ever find out and become a liability. When the Shinsengumi disbands after Kane's defeat, he pretends to profess loyalty to the Egyptian gods, but plans to either reunite with Kane if the latter ever reappears, or to sneak away and use his divine powers to create a personal kingdom where he can terrorize and murder anyone he wishes without fearing any consequences.
  • Funny Moments: A lot of Lemony Narrator moments in Ragnarok.
    • Similarly, the Shén overview in 2E. One of the best examples:
    The monkeys [at the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit] initially welcome their conquerors with open arms, then make them wish they'd never come there as only annoying monkeys can.
  • Game-Breaker: With a game like this, some knacks come to mind.
    • Untouchable Opponent would be the best example. With it the GM has the choice between tolerating invincible characters or overpowering enemies to the point that that they easily kill every player without it.
    • Really, at Demigod levels and higher, the very existence of Epic Attributes — especially Epic Dexterity — tends to become this. When a one-point difference in a single stat means enemies that challenge one PC are often literally impossible to hit or avoid for another PC, problems tend to ensue.
  • Improved Second Attempt: The changes brought on by Second Edition for Fate, namely a Winds of Destiny, Change! mechanic that always benefits the Fatebound's roles (at least at lower ranks of Legend), was met with near-universal acclaim and eagerness to use said mechanic.
  • Memetic Badass: The source of the Scion's (and gods and beasts') power. The more Legend Scions accumulate, the more powerful they become, until they reach the status of gods.
  • Moment of Awesome: While, as in any tabletop RPG, awesome moments are dependent on what the players do, it should be noted that the book's example of using a Nimitz Class super-carrier as a thrown weapon probably qualifies.
  • Moral Event Horizon: In Ragnarok, we find out that Odin has a plan set up where he will switch his mind with Vidar's at Ragnarok, saving his hide at the cost of murdering his own son. It's pointed out that this act is hideously against all the Aesir Virtues at once, managing to combine kin-slaying, oath-breaking and cowardice all in one fell swoop. Odin will actually lose all his Aesir Virtues and pick up Dark Virtues instead for doing this. What makes it even worse is that Loki actually faces up to his fated doom with more balls, and even a sense of style. When you are officially acting more chickenshit and treacherous than Loki, for the love of the Norns, it's past time to re-evaluate your life choices.
    • As American Gods was explicitly stated to be one of the inspirations of the game, this may be a Shout-Out. Wednesday plans to do something similar to his own son, Shadow.
    • In the Companion, Loki sponsored Hitler's rise to power as a way to avert Ragnarok, attempting to unite millions of people under his banner and use their ability to rewrite Fate to the Aesir's advantage. When Loki found out about the Holocaust, he was sickened. Hel made sure that the highest Nazi war criminals received the worst Underworld treatment she could provide, but oddly, Hitler never showed up...
  • The Scrappy: The Allied and Yankee Pantheons since they kicked the collective posteriors of all the cooler pantheons including the Norse, Greek and Japanese ones during WW2. The British Pantheon in particular is even missing King Arthur. That said, he was probably still sleeping until Britain's greatest need.
    • A lot of fans hate the Yankee Pantheon the most since they include recent American figures like Uncle Sam and Paul Bunyan and still defeated the more interesting older gods. At least the other Europeans have the distinction of having interesting legendary figures like Robin Hood and D'Artagnan.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: Fate. Many GMs just ignore it, since it basically just promotes railroading.
  • Values Dissonance: While 1E deserves some credit for including a trans character with Blair Thomas, it does so in a rather iffy way, making her the character with the most screwed-up past, the first paragraph of her write-up explicitly referring to her as a man, and having her be probably the biggest threat to her Band's continued functioning.
