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  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Kumori is quite popular. Fans adored her when she showed up in Perplexing Magnolia Disruption, and she not only won Team KHV's popularity poll by a large margin, but she also won the winner's popularity poll (that is, the "out of the guys who got first place, who do you like most" poll).
  • Fan Nickname: Mysterious Black Text Guy for the guy with mysterious black text in the epilogue of Perplexing Magnolia Disruption.
  • Heartwarming Moments: Not necessarily part of the series proper, but the Team SMG 6 Year Anniversary Celebration was pretty sweet.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: However, once Kumori told her that she could use her powers, she shut up and started kicking ass. People started warming up to her after that.
  • The Scrappy: People didn't really like Venus when she was first introduced because she would not stop complaining.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Yellow, especially after evolving, looks more like a guy than ever (and hates it). Kumori also has some going for her, in part due to the fact that she's One of the Boys and in part because she's married to another woman.
