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YMMV / Rose Petal Place

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  • Awesome Art: The specials and books are lavishly illustrated.
  • Awesome Music: Rose Petal's songs in the cartoon are very good and catchy, as are the ones in the vinyl record.
  • Friendly Fandoms: Due to sharing the same toy creators, the similar themes, and the art styles, Strawberry Shortcake fans also like Rose Petal Place.
  • Funny Moments: Real Friends has a moment where Nastina says "This is no laughing matter," then cackles.
  • Narm: The live-action scene of the little girl crying and bidding goodbye to the flowers, wishing they could live forever, is so overwrought it's hard to take seriously.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Nastina lives up to her name and tries to kill the heroines at least five times over the course of the specials, interrupting a musical number to try and crush them with a birdbath, trying to flood the garden by breaking a dam, locking Rose Petal in a room with no light so she'll die, trying to catapult a heavy rock onto everyone, and trying to run everyone over with a lawn mower.
    • One of the tie-in books had evil weeds come to the garden overnight, singing a song about choking and mangling the garden and its flowers as the girls slept.
  • Sweetness Aversion: When Nastina isn't causing trouble, Rose Petal and her friends sing, put on talent shows, or plan to do either almost all day long, making for an overly-sweet franchise for some.
