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YMMV / Queer as Folk (UK)

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  • Adorkable: Vince is a sweet-natured fan of Doctor Who.
  • Alternative Character Interpretation: While nobody would dispute his Jerkass tendencies, it's still sort of surprising how little flack Stuart gets for hooking up with a minor half his age and continuing to do so even after discovering Nathan's age. His claims on not being a pervert seem a bit hollow.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The Doctor Who references have become ironic given that Russell T Davies became the first showrunner of the revived series. Also, Christopher Eccleston was supposed to play Stuart, which would have made the references even funnier.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Stuart, both in-universe and among viewers. In the series people admit that he's a jerk while showing that they care about him, constantly trying to make him accept that he has some serious issues which urgently need addressing.
  • Values Dissonance: Far from being a bastion of empathy and enlightenment, the show's characters are often quite rude about women (especially lesbians) and non-whites. Even paedophilia is treated as a joke sometimes too.
