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YMMV / Please Tell Me! Galko-chan

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  • Adorkable: Galko is a huge movie buff, and a great part of her conversations with her friends consist of movies she's watched. She always tears up at happy endings besides, in movies and otherwise. This is also one of the reasons Galko's sister takes a liking to Otako's brother. They eventually become an item.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse:
    • After episode 10, Western viewers have taken a liking to Charao's middle-school girlfriend Kohai, probably because she's the only classical moe character.
    • For what little screen time she gets in the anime, Nikuko is immensely popular with the fans to the point of getting more screentime in the manga. Kenya Suzuki is clearly a fan of the Big Beautiful Woman and Nikuko is the most prime example, being both considered attractive and athletic both in-universe and out.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: You'll more often see Charao/Galko works than anything involving Charao and his canon girlfriend Kohai. The former's crush on her in his younger years (which holds over as admiration now) and his Spear Counterpart status to her play some part in it.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: The series' premise of adolescence sexuality - with the cast consisting of underage, (mostly) female characters talking about sex, periods, and other bodily functions - becomes significantly more difficult to watch when, on December 20, 2021, author Kenya Suzuki was arrested for suspicion of possessing child pornography that he imported from Germany, prompting the manga to get axed. Other factors, like Galko interacting with prepubescent boys and the pin-up chapter inserts featuring said female cast, also contributed to this.
  • Les Yay: Pops up frequently as to be expected of a series with a premise like this, particularly between Galko and Otako. Otako in particular never shows any interest in men, where as she's absolutely obsessed with Galko's physical appearance. It is noted that that she's also the most sexually immature of the three girls however.
  • Toy Ship: Kuseta and Tsunno, of the Slap-Slap-Kiss variety.
  • Values Dissonance: One of Galko's sister's drinking buddies (also the delivery man's roommate) mentions that the real reason she's a school nurse is because she loves teenage girl's navels, and working at a high school gives her plenty of opportunities. Needless to say, in a Western series, such a revelation would not be Played for Laughs; Galko's sister would be perfectly justified in disowning her friend, especially considering that her own sister attends the school where said friend works. In the manga, she doesn't seem to mind, and treats it as little more than one of her friend's quirks.
