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YMMV / Planet With

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  • Anvilicious: Mercy beats justice, never hold on to hate, and forgive those who have done terrible things. These are themes common to much of Mizukami's work, and whether they come across as well-earned or simply hamfisted will depend on the reader.
  • Fan Nickname: "Sirius Black" for our hero, a combination of his planet of origin and "Kuroi" translating as "Black" in English.
  • Fridge Brilliance:
    • Kuroi's attack names all utilize prefixes for data storage[[note:]]Mega, Giga, Tera[[/note]], whereas Shiraishi utilizes more mythological names for hers, like Wepwawet. Kuroi is from another planet, and thus would not have any sort of cultural reference for such names, and given the warlike nature of Siriusan culture, it's likely they were far less tolerant of artistic flourish when applying to practical actions.
  • Tear Jerker: Shiraishi, of all people, is stunned when Kuroi doesn't want to fight anymore and tries to persuade him back into it with heroic speeches... and receives the brutal reminder that Kuroi is a kid who lost everything.
    Kuroi: It is personal! I don't care about Earth. My planet is gone anyway. My town is gone. My brother is gone! My mom and my dad and my grandma too! I never got a chance to make up with Katorne, and Belkel moved far away, and I never gave Tairan back his book. The park where I played every day, my favorite bakery, the lake where my grandpa fished... They're all gone! It's all gone now.
