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YMMV / Peach Girl

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  • Die for Our Ship: Any character falls into this, but Sae is a frequent victim, especially considering how much of a Jerkass she is.
  • Foe Yay Shipping: Much subtext between Sae and Momo despite - or possibly because of - their hatred towards each other. Sae's actions can be seen as her attempts to keep Momo dependent on her as her "best friend," and they escalate whenever Momo stands up to Sae and/or gets closer to Toji.
  • Jerkass Woobie: For as despicable as Sae is, it's hard not to feel a little sorry for her when seeing how she's treated by Ryo.
  • The Woobie: Momo goes through a lot over the course of the series, most of which isn't her fault, and she was already dealing with it even before Sae starts actively working against her because people judged her by her looks.
