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YMMV / Oxhorn

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  • Broken Base: In the recent years, his general bias towards the Bethesda-made Fallout games (specifically Fallout 4 and Fallout 76) hasn't gone unnoticed by his fans and detractors alike. Many hated his guts for trying too hard to excuse or even justify the controversial changes the games' has given to the overall Fallout lore, even so far as claiming that retcons are okay and not a big deal. Others are fine with it, simply because even with his bias and controversies, his Fallout lore content is generally seen as the most complete and throughout.
  • Fandom Rivalry: His fanbase clashes occasionally with those of several other Fallout YouTubers who despise Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, specifically "Father Elijahcal"note , "SCHIZIO" and "Creetosis".
  • Funny Moments:
    • In his Fallout 3 videos, he has Jericho and later Charon don a powdered wig, because he "felt bad for them being bald".
    • Also while exploring the Deathclaw Sanctuary, Ox tries to show off both the unique Gatling laser Vengeance and the unique Ripper "Jack", only to get interrupted by a Deathclaw sneaking behind him both times.
    • In his video for LA Noir's 'The Consul's Car' mission, he corpses and states that Cole 'has no chill' in response to his 'You Fuck Young boys Valdez?" line.
  • Most Wonderful Sound: His voice to many people.
  • Never Live It Down:
    • His bias towards the Bethesda-made Fallout games weren't gone unnoticed by almost everyone, especially egregious when it comes to 76, which was on it's worst state since it's disastrous launch.
    • His video discussing about the retcons made towards the Fallout lore in 4 and explaining why it's not a big deal has due to the combination of arguments that counteracts with each other, opens up more plot holes, or just straight up doesn't make any sense. The word "Addition Retcon" and "Scientists in our world frequently retcon reality" has become infamous among the Fallout community across the web and is seen as a subject of ridicule and snark when his name would inevitably appear on discussionsaddendum 
    • His infamous flub while exploring the Sunset Sarsaparilla Bottling Plant in Fallout: New Vegas started a major flame war which led to a channel being terminated on YouTube for bullying. While exploring the plant, Oxhorn misattributed “Brotherhood of Steel” decals on various folders to Obsidian “lazily reusing textures from Fallout 3note , when in actuality conflicts between various third party mods caused their appearance.
