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YMMV / Nazi Overlord

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  • Complete Monster: Dr. India Eris is a British scientist who defected to the Nazis and was tasked with making bioweapons. She had them stage a kidnapping so the Allies would send her test subjects in the form of rescue teams, meanwhile also experimenting on civilians near the base she's stationed in, children included. These experiments are meant to create a plague to spread amongst non-Aryan peoples so that they'll go mad and eat each other alive. She intends to transfer the virus via bug bites, but those test subjects keep exploding. After Captain Adam Rogers and his team are captured by her benefactors, Eris has them be Forced to Watch as she conducts these experiments, eventually setting some zombies on them when they break free. While she is killed in this final battle, she managed to infect Rogers beforehand, thus ravaging the Earth even after death.
