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YMMV / Mystery Science Theater 3000 S02 E08: Lost Continent

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  • Anvilicious: Imperialism is wrong.
  • Funny Moments:
    • "Yes! Yes! They've done it, they've reached the... side."
    • And later, when they FINALLY do reach the top, "Hey! A whole other mountain! Twice as big!"
    • Joe: "Dead end. Dead end." Joel and the Bots then hum the rest of The Pink Panther theme.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: During the invention exchange, one of Frank's exercise machines is a treadmill vehicle, with wheels powered by the belt. Forrester immediately asks why he can't just walk, and Frank changes the subject. Seventeen years later, enter the Speedmobile.
  • Memetic Mutation: "Rock climbing!" has become a standard expression for padding (see also "Sandstorm", "Quidditch" and "Podracing").
