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YMMV / Monster a-Go Go

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  • Ass Pull: There was no monster. All that searching and build-up to what the monster really is? It's all for naught. It comes right out of nowhere, makes no sense within the confines of the film's universe, and leaves the viewer with a ton of unanswered questions.
  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: There's a scene late in the movie where a trucker helps a woman whose car has broken down. The scene has no relevance to the plot and we never see the two of them again, and other than seeing a shot of the monster's boots as it walks around, doesn't even seem like the same movie. It's possible they originally intended for the two of them to get killed by the monster, but ran out of money before they could film that scene. In the next scene, the main characters offhandedly mention that they found the body of a truck driver.
  • Bile Fascination: And even those strong souls will have to endure how bad it is, if Joel and the bots haven't.
  • Padding: About half an hour's worth, as aimless shots of the military are used in long, silent stretches.
  • Special Effect Failure:
    • The "space capsule". As Servo puts it, Douglas would have had to be short, pear-shaped and stood the whole way to barely fit into it. It's also pretty obviously a cardboard cutout, as we only ever see it from one angle.
    • A guy gets killed and is described as horribly disfigured. This is achieved by just having the perfectly not-disfigured guy lay there and make a stupid face.
    • Frank Douglas is just a tall man with a bad acne problem. There are even a few shots where he is missing his "deformed" make-up entirely!
    • At one point, they try to pass off someone making a tongue-trilling noise as a phone ringing. Needless to say, it doesn't work. During the MST3K episode for this movie, Joel actually called it "unbelievable" and Servo proceeded to riff "Yes, I made that phone noise."
    • There's one very odd moment where two characters are talking in a lab and suddenly a loud ringing noise (similar to a wind-up alarm clock) goes off, yet the characters don't seem to hear it and pay no mind. Most likely it was dubbed in at the wrong time by mistake.
    • More or less the opposite happens in another scene, where two characters are at a restaurant and one of them comments on the song playing, even though there's no background music at all. Most likely they planned to dub some in but ran out of funds.
