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YMMV / Men in Black: International

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  • Captain Obvious Reveal: Even a casual viewer could tell who The Mole was early on. From the vagueness of the Eiffel tower prologue to Agent C being an obvious Red Herring, to High T's overt generosity and "It's never who you expect," the ease of High T rescuing them from the Diad aliens in Naples triggering Spoiled by the Format alerts all in addition to Narrowed It Down to the Guy I Recognize. It ended up a twist that everyone knew was coming.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • As soon as the trailer dropped, the internet started making jokes about the fact that Thor and Valkyrie have joined the Men In Black. It's already nicknamed Men in Black: Ragnarok.
    • Jokes about the movie being made for bisexuals have also sprung up, since everyone agrees that Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson both look good in suits, such as stating that MIB stands for "Man, I'm Bisexual".
  • Narrowed It Down to the Guy I Recognize: With heavyweights Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson playing the leads and Emma Thompson's Agent O having previously been firmly established in Men in Black 3 as the series' Big Good, it was pretty much assured that the one remaining big name, Liam Neeson, would at least be involved with the bad guys in some capacity from the moment the first trailer dropped. Sure enough, Neeson's Agent T turns out to be The Mole in the MIB's London branch and therefore The Man Behind the Man for much of the plot up until the finale where he turns into the Final Boss. Plus the Obviously Evil Jerkass Agent C is far too obvious in his antagonism to be the real enemy, which makes T's role even more blatant from the outset.
  • Nightmare Fuel: How the Diad absorb the hapless worker's life force when they steal his form, leaving him a melting mess of flesh and hair in an alley.
  • Obvious Judas: It's not hard to nail High T as The Mole. H and M are extremely unlikely to be villains since they're the main protagonists, and the only legitimate attempt at a Red Herring, C, is so blatantly antagonistic that he'd be too obvious as a villain. The only one left by process of elimination is High T.
  • Sequelitis: Reviewers and many moviegoers found it an uninspiring retread that couldn't live up to its predecessors, even if the main actors were already proven to work well together before.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: Suck is a harsh term, but longtime fans of the series are at least annoyed at the Retcon of MIB's origins from the original film to this one. Of course, since it is the MIB universe, it's possible that neither story is true.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot:
    • Explaining that H "going soft" was the result of a deliberate Neuralyzer command from the Hive to change his personality, so that he wouldn't see through their disguise, would have been an incredibly easy way to wrap up his character arc as well as explore the massive Fridge Horror that comes with Neuralyzers in this universe, which even the first movie briefly addressed.
    • The concept of exploring how various different MiB divisions operate around the world is a promising one with a lot of potential for worldbuilding and further creativity with the aliens, but the film barely takes advantage of it.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: Although all SFX in the film are top-notch, nothing holds a candle to the Diad aliens, whose natural state looks like stars and colorful planetary nebulae given roughly humanoid shape. The most incredible alien design seen so far in the MIB series.
