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YMMV / Melody Time

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  • Angst? What Angst?: Johnny takes dying very well. All he's really worried about is all the work he has left to do planting and harvesting his apples. Probably justified, since he was an old man who had lived a full life already.
  • Best Known for the Fanservice: Many fans remember Pecos Bill as "The one with the curvaceous redheaded cowgirl with the big butt."
  • Fair for Its Day: The Johnny Appleseed sequence uses caricatures of Native Americans that would be very unlikely to fly today, but in the scene itself, the Natives are shown at a festival dancing and playing music alongside the white settlers with everyone treating each other as equals.
  • Memetic Badass: Pecos Bill, if only because everything he does is so extremely badass and the live-action cowboys talking about him act as if he's a real person.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The bell buoys that appear in Little Toot after he gets exiled are horrifying. They have a demonic appearance with fierce fangs and yellow and red eyes, as well as claws made of waves. They admonish Little Toot for his behavior in a ghostly tone of voice.
  • Older Than They Think: The inclusion of the Johnny Appleseed sequence technically makes this the first Disney animated film to tell the story of a real-world American individual whose life would become something of a legend, taking many liberties with it so as to tell something Lighter and Softer, which means that it preceded Pocahontas by a whole five decades.
  • So Okay, It's Average: Seems to be this to hardcore Disney fans. It's not bad by any means, but has fallen into relative obscurity and tends to get overshadowed by the likes of Fantasia when it is remembered.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • Johnny Appleseed's animal friends will be sad to wake up and find Johnny doesn't...
      • The final scene of the apple trees becoming clouds in the sky, Johnny's heavenly apple orchard.
    • The Downer Ending of Pecos Bill too, with Bill giving up his cowboy hero life, going back to the coyotes and howling at the moon forever over the loss of Sue.
    • Little Toot sobbing as he is dragged into exile by the police boats. But the worst part is when he sees a disgraced Big Toot being demoted to garbage duty. Even the lighthouse refuse to shine its light on Little Toot out of disdain.
  • Values Dissonance:
    • The Pecos Bill sequence gets this due to the scene where he shoots at Native Americans, who are called "redskins" which is a harsh racial slur in modern times. Plus his smoking, which was seen as harmless for kids to see at the time, was edited out in some releases thanks to this.
    • The Johnny Appleseed sequence also uses caricatures of Native Americans that would be very unlikely to fly today.
  • The Woobie: Little Toot after he gets banished, especially since he only wanted to help his dad. Then again, he did cause a ship to crash onto land. But even worse, his father is demoted to garbage duty.
