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YMMV / Medicinal Lullaby

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  • Cargo Ship: Naruto is really attached to his precious Stick.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: At the time the fic was written, it was generally considered a given by the fanbase that Naruto would become the 6th Hokage after Tsunade, and Kakashi being made 6th Hokage while Naruto was indisposed was an interesting plot twist in this fic. Then Kakashi became 6th Hokage in the actual manga, with Naruto only succeeding him as the 7th years after the story ended, shortly before the Distant Finale.
  • Narm: While the Quit Your Whining speech Naruto gives to Sasuke is certainly awesome, when the two men descend into screaming "FUCK YOU!" at each other it doesn't help the gravity of the situation.
  • Tear Jerker: Kensha's death and its effect on Naruto.
    • Naruto taking young Hitomi to visit her mother's grave in chapter 16, 'Daddies Don't Cry'.
    • Rather unexpectedly, Karin's death, using the last of her life to save Juugo -the man who truly loved her- with her healing power, and Juugo's reaction to it.
